The new expansion with new raids and other challenges is finally here. We’re off to a good start with a full team of happy, exited and inspired raiders who are eager to conquer the new content Blizzard has handed us. Bugs, nerfs and memes included.
The new expansion with new raids and other challenges is finally here. We’re off to a good start with a full team of happy, exited and inspired raiders who are eager to conquer the new content Blizzard has handed us. Bugs, nerfs and memes included.
The second raid of BfA is finally here. This time we’ll bring some punishment to the Horde and, in schizophrenic confusion, beat up our own leaders! Heroic progress: Cleared – Mythic progress: Cleared Champion of the Light Jadefire Masters Grong, the Revenant Opulence Conclave of the Chosen King Rastakhan High Tinker Mekkatorque Stormwall Blockade Lady […]
369 world rank, highest we’ve achieved so far, and Ghuun dead after 190 wipes. We’ve overcome more challenges than we signed up for and we can be proud of downing this tier’s final boss with a strong and determined team and a significant leap from our previous tiers. Good job everyone!