Winter’s Heart has been raiding Hellfire Citadel since the introduction of the latest patch with a raiding team consisting of friendly and mature raiders. So far we have downed the following bosses in heroic and mythic difficulties:
- Hellfire Assault (H) & (M)
- Iron Reaver (H) & (M)
- Kormrok (H) & (M)
- Hellfire High Council (H) & (M)
- Kilrogg Deadeye (H) & (M)
- Gorefiend (H) & (M)
- Shadow Lord Iskar (H) & (M)
- Socrethar the Eternal (H) & (M)
- Fel Lord Zakuun (H) & (M)
- Xhul’horac (H) & (M)
- Tyrant Velhari (H) & (M)
- Mannoroth (H) & (M)
- Archimonde (H) & (M)